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How will you use the Opioids and Work Data Tool?

Thank you for taking our quick 3-question survey. It is important for us to understand how people are using or plan to use the information provided in the Opioids and Work Data Tool to ensure the tool is useful and impactful for addressing opioid-related harms among the working population.

Please note that your answers are confidential. None of the information you provide will be shared outside of the research team.


1. Tell us how you might use the information in the Opioids and Work Data Tool.
Select all that apply.
2. Even if you’re not sure yet how you might use the information in this tool, please tell us the role(s) in which you would be most likely to use it. I would use it as a...
Select all that apply. 
3. If you think you might use the information in this tool in a professional role, can you please tell us in what sector/industry?
Select all that apply.